Overview: Bobbi Brown Stirling Nights

I'm getting into Christmas mood more and more these days and it's mainly because of all of these stunning holiday collections that are coming out! I recently showed you the NARS' offering and today we'll take a look at some of the stuff Bobbi Brown recently brought out! It's all about those smoky eyes and glowing skin. Are you excited?

Apart from the stunning Stirling Nights Eye Palette which I already reviewed here there is a new eyeshadow formula in this collection. It's called Sequin and as you can see it has this beautiful marble design to it. They're super intense and shimmery, layers well and blends out really nicely which I was quite surprised by as you usually have to work harder with these darker shades. I personally love the blue one - Moon Rock the most, but there are three more shades if you're not into blue: Star Beam (black with a hint of purple), Comet (black with a hint of green) and Constallation (bronze-y brown). By far my favourite product from the collection is the Face Highlighter which is also a new product brought to us by Bobbi Brown. It's a liquid highlighter which comes in the most beautiful sleek packaging and a pump (!!!). It comes in three shades - Pink, Seashell and Sunlight Bronze. I own the shade Seashell which is a golden champagne shade. It looks super natural on the skin while adds that healthy glow and blends into the skin so well! If you have dryier skin I would get your hands on this ASAP! All of these items are limited edition an you probably know how this works! 

What do you think about the collection? 

(L-R) Comet, Moon Rock,Star Beam. Above - Face Highlighter in Seashell
Během listopadu se vždycky objeví spousta vánočních kolekcí a já se na ně nemůžu vynadívat! Před několika týdny jsem vám ukázala vánoční kolekci NARS, dnes se podíváme na to, co nabízí Bobbi Brown se svou kolekcí Stirling Nights a je jasné, že rozhodně nebudete zklamaní! Kouřovky a zářivá pleť, kdo by byl proti? 

Jak se vám kolekce líbí? 

12 komentářů

  1. SEXY Lindina! Omg a ten rozjasňovač ve spreji?! Musím zkusit!

    1. Haha ty jsi zlato! Je to pumpička, ale zkusit ho musíš určitě!! :)

  2. Teda ty černé odstíny jsou absolutně nádherné!!

  3. Můžu se zeptat, odkud máš tu halenku? Je nádherná!!

  4. BB mám moc ráda a ty produkty jsou skvělé! Hlavně se mi líbí ta paletka, ale bohužel stojí fakt dost :(. Ikdyž věřím, že bude skvělá!

    1. Je dražší, to je pravda, ale já bych ji třeba preferovala oproti Urban Decay, přijde mi využitelnější :)

  5. I am yet to try some bobbi brown but seeing the swatches it looks amazing x

    Miss Kitty Kaos - Adventures Of A Riot Grrrl

    1. You have to try something! I would go for the holiday palette! :)

  6. whaaat ty vesmírné oční stíny! whaat! *běží do bobbi brown*



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