Late Favorites & Hair Update

I know I missed my February favorites and I'm pretty late for March ones but anyways. Even though I could probably already do April favorites I decided to tell you just about let's say five of my top products from the two past months and let's hope for not being late with the next ones! Excited to see what I've been loving?

  • NARS Impassioned Blush* - Ok ok I talk about this too much! If you read the Spring Collection review (here) you probably heard me raving about this one. Get it if you can, that's all I have to say this time!
  • MAC Retro Matte Liquid Lip Color in Feel So Grand* - Liquid lipsticks are a huge trend at the moment. MAC came out with their version and I'm really surprised about how much I like them (mainly because the reviews are quite mixed). This one is a true red which works great with my skintone and I will be trying out more for sure! 
  • Benefit They're Real! Mascara* - Have tried this one before in miniature, wasn't wowed. Tried it a few weeks ago in full size and loving it! What is the deal here really haha?
  • Too Faced Hangover Primer* - Everyone seems to be loving this and I can't agree more. If you're interested in full review click here
  • Glossier Boy Brow* - Oh boy do I love this stuff! Light and mousse-y gel/vax which coats the individual hair and makes your brows all nice and bushy. Loving this big time. 

Another thing I wanted to update you about is my hair situation. I'm still loving it so much! The cut is just so good that I can basically do anything with it and it still looks good haha. I love to leave it straight for the first day or two and curl it for the next one and I'm finally loving curls on myself. 

Which products have you been loving in the past month or so? 
xx Linda

Ahoj všichni! Konečně (KONEČNĚ) pro vás mám oblíbence za únor a březen. Tohle video mám natočené už asi dva týdny (stejně jako dvě další), nemohla jsem se ale pořád dostat k jeho sestříhání. Snažila jsem se vám ukázat jen produkty, které jsem měla vážně nejradši, aby video nemělo dvě hodiny haha. Tak snad se vám bude líbit! 

Mám natočený ještě (opožděný) vlog z tiskovky Sephory & MBPFW a 'blogger mail aneb new in aneb produkty, které jsem dostala', tak mi do komentářů napište, jaké video chcete vidět jako první! 
Mějte se krásně, xx Linda

5 komentářů

  1. Lindo tybrďo! Ty vlasy ti strašně moc sluší! :))

  2. Lindi ja fakt zbožňujem tvoje videá aj články. Všetko ukážeš s kľudom a a to ako hovoríš pokojným hlasom. Práve vďaka tebe som sa rozhodla oveľa viac preskúmať práve značku Nars a už sa mi zbierka rozrástla o tri kúsky - Lip pencil, illuminator a mono očný tieň.

  3. Na tú mascaru od Benefitu neustále pokukujem!

    Saja Frey blog


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